Apricot Jam, Yes, I Made More Jam

Apricot Jam

Yes, I made more jam. And I am totally ok with that. You know why? I share recipes with you that I actually eat, and I eat jam. I make jam all Summer long. I take advantage of this fruit season, every one of them so in the Fall, Winter, and Spring I have homemade jam So far I have made Plum, Raspberry, Blueberry, and now Apricot.

I will likely make strawberry, and peach by the end of the season to be fully crazy stocked for all of my jam dreams. We eat plain yogurt and flavor it with the homemade jams. I also, as I am sure you know, love a good piece of toast with yummy jam. This morning I ate my green smoothie and a piece of toast with jam. I usually leave it for the weekend and do peanut butter mid week for protein in the morning, but this morning I wanted jam. Apricot jam to be exact, it was super duper good, and totally worth the hour it will take to make this small batch.

Small batch jamming is cool, not overwhelming, and easier to tackle for newbie canners than a huge recipe. Have you been making jam, or canning Summer bounty this season?

Apricot Jam, Yes, I Made More Jam

Makes 3 pints


8 cups apricots, about 4 lbs, pitted, chopped

2 cups sugar, I use organic cane sugar

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

1 lime, juiced


I am using a large wide pan to cook the fruit. The large wide pan allows the water to evaporate from the pan and fruit, which then allow me to use less sugar, and no pectin. You can use stainless steel or cast iron. Avoid non-stick.

Get all of your canning equipment ready. Boil the pint jars and lids. Wash fruit.

1.  Place apricots, sugar, salt, and lime  juice in a large wide pan.  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium, cook uncovered for 15 minutes, stir frequently to avoid burning. Turn off heat, ladle jam into boiled pint jars. Place lid on, and close tightly but not too tight. Place in boiling water canner for 15 minutes. Allow to cool on counter for 24 hours.

You can also spoon the jam into a jar, and place in fridge without “canning”. The jam processed that way will last about three weeks in the fridge.

Store in a cool dry place for up to one year if canned properly by using canning method.

Can by following appropriate canning instructions or place in an air tight container, place in fridge for up to one month.

Apricot Jam


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2 Responses to “Apricot Jam, Yes, I Made More Jam”

    • fabiola on Apricot Jam, Yes, I Made More Jam


      Hahaha! Do it! I am jammin all over the place, I may do blackberry next.


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