I love turkey burgers. Sometimes I just want a different kind of a burger. I go with garden burgers, lamb, buffalo, ostrich, salmon, really any kind. But when it comes to turkey, I feel it needs a bit of a boost sometimes, if you know what I mean. It needs a bit of fat to keep it together, and lively. I do not usually put bacon in my turkey burgers, so feel free to omit it. But you will need to add some fat, like cheese, to make it tasty, in my opinion. Feta is a good way to go, healthy cheese, salty, and adds a kick. But nope, I went BACON!!! I know it is a cliche, put bacon on it, makes it better. Well, you cant really argue, most things are better with bacon. Even if you cant say it out loud to your health freak friends, bacon is good. It is actually better than turkey bacon, if you ask me. I go for things that are as close to their natural state, that would be pork bacon. Turkey bacon is not natural. It takes on serious process to become a bacon like thing. So stick with pork, it is good! And really, per serving this is not that bad, so trust me, just use it!
servings: 6
2 lb ground turkey
8 pieces bacon
1 tsp salt
2 tsp fresh ground pepper
2 tbsp mustard
1/2 cup oats
1 egg
the how to:
1. Start by cooking the bacon in a large skillet, well done, crispy for this, since you are putting it in the burger. Let the bacon cool before adding it to the turkey. But be sure to add the bacon fat before it hardens, but let it cool as well.
2. Combine ground turkey, mustard, salt, pepper, oats, mix well. But avoid squishing the meat. Add the egg, combine well. Last, add the crispy bacon, and the bacon fat. Trust me, it is needed. Combine well.
3. Get you grill ready by taking a paper towel and covering it with olive oil or veggie oil, rub it on the grates you will be using. This is needed to your burgers do not stick to the grill. Place each patty on the grill and cook until the center reaches about 165 degrees. It is trickier with turkey to know when to flip it because the juices do not show as well as ground beef does. But I would say about 5 minutes on the first side.
I served these with:
Mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and cheddar cheese.
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