Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet

Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet

Disclosure: This is a compensated post for Gourmet Garden. As usual, all opinions are my own.

Three ingredients frozen dessert, sign me up!

Have you ever had lemongrass sorbet before? I am very fond of lemon grass, but it’s hard to get a good quality one all of the time. I can find it at the local Asian grocery store, that is as fresh as I have found it. Typically lemon grass doesn’t have the longest shelf life ever, so I found it super awesome to have the Gourmet Garden organic Lemon grass handy. It is super high quality, packed with a ton of fresh lemon grass stalks chopped up, so it is a strong good flavor, which is what I like about it. You can use as little or as much as you want. I use it in so many different ways which I’ll share though the years, but this time I really wanted sorbet. I love sorbet. Any flavor really. While I love ice cream too, if there is a good sorbet flavor on a menu, I’ll order it.

Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet

I recently acquired an ice cream maker, so I am finally putting it to good use! The lemon grass pairs so well with coconut milk, like the combo you would normally see in a savory curry dish. So why not in a dessert, sans the curry? Well that would be good too. But I digress, I just wanted lemon grass and I love a good quality thick coconut milk. Think the one in the can in the aisle at the Asian store, not coconut water in the fridge section. I don’t like that stuff at all, no matter how freaking healthy it is. And there is not much I won’t eat and don’t like, that is one. So steer clear of that and pick up a couple of good coconut milk cans and a tube of organic Gourmet Garden lemon grass and lets make dessert!

Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet

Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet

Makes 1 1/2 quarts


2-14oz cans coconut milk, full fat, unsweetened

1 cup sugar, I use organic cane sugar

2 1/2 tablespoons Gourmet Garden lemon grass


1. Add the coconut milk, sugar, and lemon grass to a medium saucepan. Heat over medium low heat, stirring frequently for 10  minutes. Do not allow to boil, only simmer. This is to infuse the coconut milk with the lemon grass flavor and dissolve the sugar. Place mixture in a large bowl, cover and place in fridge for 2 hours, or until completely cooled.

At this point you can strain the mixture to remove the lemon grass pieces, if you want a smooth texture. If you don’t mind small bits of lemon grass, no need to strain.

2. Remove mixture from fridge and place in ice cream maker. Make sorbet according to manufacturers instructions. Place in a freezer friendly air tight container and allow to continue to freeze for a minimum of 3 hours. I prefer overnight.


For more awesome lemon grass recipes, visit Gourmet Garden’s website.

Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


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24 Responses to “Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet”

  1. Carla on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


    Earlier in 2014, I had the most wonderful coconut milk sorbet with lemongrass. I’ve been wanting to recreate it at home and now I found the recipe to do so. I also love Gourmet Gardens and use their products all the time. I even have the lemongrass ready-to-go.
    Carla recently posted..Three-Cheese Stuffed Shells For TwoMy Profile

    • fabiola on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


      No kidding?!!! That is awesome, I hope you find the flavors you loved in this recipe. Let me know!

  2. Jaden on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


    Love that lemongrass is available in fresh tube form. We grow lemongrass, but it’s such a pain to chop or grate it.

    • fabiola on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


      I could try growing it and having the tube! That way when I don’t want to chop, I have it on hand. Thank you!

  3. Andi on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


    I love “savory” ice creams, gelatos and sorbets and this sounds delicious. But what I love even more is the idea of the Gourmet Garden product! Lemongrass is kind of a pain to deal with and this makes it super easy, something I always looking to do in my life – make it easier! Thanks for sharing this great recipe!
    Andi recently posted..Friday Foodie – Taylor of Food Faith FitnessMy Profile

    • fabiola on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


      I could not agree more! Sometimes you want a good quality ingredient, like this, to squeeze into soup, sorbet, or whatever to make it tasty. Thank you!

  4. Sandy Headtke on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet

    Sandy Headtke

    I haven’t seen this product before, how handy. I ended up growing my own lemon grass since it isn’t carried at all stores. What is the shelf life of this product?

    • fabiola on Lemon Grass Coconut Milk Sorbet


      It is good for three months, but also stores well in the freezer, which is cool. No pun intended!


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