Homemade Bagels

Homemade Bagels

There is something special about making your own bread.  I cherish the moments in a way I could not explain all to well.  Lightly flouring a counter makes me smile, it’s the quick movement that get me, making a mess with purpose.  I love that feeling.  Making bread is one of my favorite things to do in the kitchen.  Watching the dough rise in anticipation of something great.  The smell of yeast working on the proteins, it smells so sweet, so good.

I have not made bagels in a very long time.  I was going to a nearby bakery for my fix, but unfortunately they changed ownership and the place went to shit.  The lox frozen and melting on my everything bagel was the last straw.  That is a food sin, straight up wrong.  But I am totally ok with this, it forced me to come home with lox and the makings for an everything bagel, to make on my own.  Simple and rewarding.  It’s pretty easy to make everything bagels, and interchange them from plain to poppy.  I also don’t remember when I had anything but an everything bagel, they are my jam.  Spread with cream cheese and a large glass of orange juice, or filled with lox and capers.  Either way, it is always the flavor of choice for me.

So I made you some bagels, I hope you’ll try making these at home.  And as usual, if you have any questions, please let me know!

What is your favorite bagel flavor?

Note:  There are several ways to make the shape of the bagels.  In culinary school I learned from a very talented chef how to make the bagel in it’s most traditional way.  I added pictures below for easy follow along instructions.  After you make the ball, then flatten the ball, simply press a hole through the center.  Gently place your fingers through the hole and make a bagel shape.

Homemade BagelsHomemade BagelsHomemade Bagels

Homemade Bagels

Makes 8 bagels


1 1/2 cups water, 105-110 degrees

4 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast, 2 packages

3 1/2 cups all purpose flour

3 tablespoons granulated sugar

1 tablespoon fine sea salt

2 quarts boiling water with 1 tablespoon sugar

1 egg white, beaten with 1 teaspoon water

For Everything Bagel:

2 teaspoons poppy seeds

2 teaspoons black or white sesame seeds

3/4 teaspoon dried onion flakes

3/4 teaspoon dried garlic flakes


1.  Place the water and yeast in a bowl, mix, and allow to sit for 5 minutes.  In a bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the flour, sugar, and salt.  Mix to combine.  Add the water/yeast mixture.  Knead on medium for 10 minutes, making sure all of the ingredients combine well.

2.  Turn dough onto a lightly floured counter, knead a few times making an even circle, place in the stand mixer bowl, cover with a kitchen towel, and allow to double in size.  About an hour.  Turn onto a lightly floured counter and divide into 8 even pieces.  Roll into balls, cover, allow to proof for 10 minutes.  Prepare the water and sugar, bring to a boil in a large pot.


Get a parchment lined baking sheet ready.

3  Using the palm of you hand, press gently on the ball to flatten.  Using your thumb, press into the center of the flattened dough forming a hole.  Pick up the bagel by the hole, using your fingers to create a bagel shape by hanging the dough off of your fingers. (refer to picture above for help)

4.  Cover bagels for 10 minutes to allow to bench.  Brush each bagel with the egg white/water mixture.  Sprinkle with desired flavor, or leave plain.

5.  Place 3 bagels in the boiling water at a time and cook for 3-4 minutes, turning half way through.  Place on a parchment lines baking sheet.  Once all bagels are boiled, place baking sheet in the oven for 45 minutes, or until brown and shiny.

Homemade Bagels

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5 Responses to “Homemade Bagels”

    • fabiola on Homemade Bagels


      Hi Lois, are you talking about the first rise where the dough needs to double in size? Or the 10 minute proof after shaping the dough?

    • fabiola on Homemade Bagels


      Hi Tawny! Not really sticky wet/ stick to your fingers. If it is, add a tablespoon of flour at a time. Humidity in the air can be the culprit.

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