my story 2011

Fabiola Donelly and Brian Ferdinand

Hi I am Fabiola, you can call me Fabi. I live in Washington with my boyfriend Brian and my kitties, Chula and Baby Girl.  We just left our wonderful, reluctant, supportive family and friends in California where we have lived most of our lives to follow our dreams of art, food, nature, and good stuff, as well as,  fulfill goals we have talked about over the years.   So here we are safe and sound embarking on new adventures.  I will be starting  The International Culinary School at the Art Institute of Portland Baking and Pastry program in July to master and hone the current skills I believe I posses.  I have been a massage therapist for the last  four years and I love what I do, I love helping people feel better, and taking care of people in general.  I always have.  But recently I felt it was time for a change, although massage is great, I knew I was destined for something different.  I have always been a kitchen kinda lady.  I love it, I live and breath it, it makes me happy.  I wake up asking my boyfriend what he wants for dinner, and we haven’t even gotten out of bed yet.  I have talked about owning my own restaurants or bakery, envision what it would look like, so I figured better late than never and decided to go to school to learn the ins and outs of the culinary world.  So here I am writing a blog about food… Mostly food.

Brian, an amazing self taught photographer, started at the Art Institute of Portland already, he is studying the web design and interactive media bachelors program.  After 7 years of working for Mercedes Benz back in California, Brian decided to change careers due to an injury he incurred in a motorcycle accident, plus change was long over due.  He is perfect in every way possible, for me, and that is what matters.  I couldn’t ask for more.  So here we are, turned our lives inside out, yet  could not be happier.  Yes, I miss my family, friends, and old clients to no end, but they are happy just to know we are changing our lives for the better.  And so are we…

I would like to add, this blog was the genius idea of my love, my inspiration for so much, a huge part of my heart and soul, Elon Burnett.  She is a master mind and architect of hair back in Sacramento where we met.  She has been my friend for over 10 years, and we are awesome together!  She reminded me of my love of writing, knew my love of food, and all things cool, with the added bonus that my Brian does web design, and voila!  DUH!!! Do a blog about you guys, food, and all that we love!

I love baking, creating, cooking, gardening, art, and cool good stuff  in general.  So if it’s cool, works well, good quality, do it yourself, and especially food, you will probably find it here in my blog today or at some point.  I am from Mexico with Spanish ancestors, so do not be surprised if you see a lot of  Spanish and Mexican good stuff on here, it is what I love, know, and grew up with, so I hope to share some great old family recipes with you.

But generally speaking I will try anything once when it comes to food, no matter what it is or where it came from, you know never know unless you try.  Like Andrew Zimmern says…  “if it looks good, eat it”


By the way… it is, not just baked, because I am not just baking in this blog, even though I am going to the baking and pastry program, made me laugh out loud, so I went with it.   Hope you love it!

Another side note…

I love you Mama, you are truly amazing, inspiring, and a bad ass lady!!!!  I have the best family in the world.   Family is what you make of it.  I am blessed to have amazing, supportive older brothers, Charlie and Rob, a kick ass sister in law Tami, my sweet niece Maya, and my other best girls Summer and Audrey.  My brothers will attest, my dad did play a big roll in feeding us some weird, everything but the kitchen sink, type concoctions when we were younger.  And my “father in law” has been a wonderful addition to my family!  They are my family, I love them, they are cool.

6 Responses to “my story 2011”

  1. Rita Dupont on my story 2011

    Rita Dupont

    Hi Fabi,

    your blogging is absolutely fabulous! I am praying that my life is going to slow down just a tad this year so I can read your blogs more often!

    Way to go!!!!!


    • fabiola on my story 2011


      Rita, thank you! I hope you do get a chance, even just to relax. We all need a little of that.
      I appreciate you taking the time to check out my blog.

  2. Pam on my story 2011


    WOW! Fabi! This sounds amazing!! We are so happy for you and Brian! You are a very special woman~we will miss you here in Elk Grove~but YOU GO GIRL!!

    Lots of luck and happiness to you both!!

    Keep in touch!

    Pam & Rich (Baker)

    • fabiola on my story 2011


      Thank you so much Pam! I miss you guys too! I hope you and Rich are doing well, and keeping your backs healthy:). I appreciate your words of encouragement A LOT, they mean so much. Hugs to you both!

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