21 Day Food Lovers Cleanse: Shopping List and Preparing

21 Day Food Lovers Cleanse

21 Day Food Lovers Cleanse: Shopping List and Preparing

As this week starts, I begin by putting together a list of recipes I want to eat during the cleanse.  While I will be flexible in my meal planning, I’ll stick to a general 21 day routine.  You can read about why I’m doing this here.

My basic routine will be one smoothie, one raw meal, and one cooked meal.  Some days I may eat all raw, but at least every day I will eat one raw meal.  No unnatural preservatives, no added sugar besides small amounts of honey, no dairy, no meat, no carbohydrates.

For breakfast:  1 smoothie with this general recipe ratios.  I’ll share my recipes along the way.  2 cups leafy green, 2 cups liquid, 2 cups fruit: preferably 2 cups frozen for thicker consistency.  This makes enough for 2, 16 oz smoothies

Greens:  spinach, mustard greens, dandelion greens, romaine, bok choy.  I add herbs as a part of the greens as well such as parsley, cilantro, basil, mint.

Liquid:  almond milk, water, coconut milk

Fruit:  bananas, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, pineapple, mango, orange, avocado, peach, apple, pear

note:  I use primary spinach, mustard greens, , as it lends its nutrients fully without being cooked.  Many of kales nutrients are locked in and require cooking to be accessible.

Smoothie add ins for extra protein and nutrients:  chia seeds, hemp seeds, dried goji berries, flax seeds, cinnamon, cacoa nibs, lemon juice, lime juice

Lunch:  I’ll try to keep this meal large and raw.  Raw vegetables in some way.  Such as…

apple celery salad

apple celery salad

salads, slaw, broccoli salads, cauliflower salads, spiralizer noodles using zucchini and butternut squash, cauliflower “cous cous”, lettuce wraps using Boston lettuce, or collards for the wrap

If I find I am short for time, or creativity, I’ll have another smoothie for lunch but double the greens and add extra hemp seeds for protein.  That will keep me full and energized until snack time.

Snack:  Typically I snack between lunch and dinner.  But snack works for between breakfast and lunch and even after dinner if you find you are hungry.  Don’t try and avoid snacks, they will help keep you full and away from “cheating” on the cleanse.  I will use a dehydrator for many of these, but before I had one, I dehydrated in the oven.

apple chips

apple chips

apple chips, chickpeas, kale chips, carrots, celery, hummus for dip, fresh apple, dried in season fruits, berries in season

Dinner:  I will be making cooked meals for this mostly.  I may have a smoothie because I ate a big lunch, or any of the meals I mentioned for lunch.

black bean tofu

black bean tofu 

Asian sweet potato noodles with miso dressing, miso soup, black bean quinoa tacos with guacamole, black bean soup, butternut squash soup with sauteed greens, tomato soup, homemade corn tortillas, stir fry over grains, stuffed poblano chiles, carrot ginger soup, sesame tofu

Beverages:  A ton of water all day.  Green tea with honey, turmeric tea with honey, at night decaf tea, fresh juices occasionally: carrot, orange, green, apple, pear, hibiscus water

agua de jamaica


Shopping list for a minimum of the first ten days.  I do this in case I am short for time to get to the store.  I don’t want to run out of vegetables and find myself hungry without plenty of food food to eat.  I’ll start a few days before prepping.

Prepping a few days before:  Make snacks, and vegetable stock

Pantry prep:  1 large bag of quinoa, brown rice, farro, and several cans of black beans, chickpeas, white beans, coconut milk, Asian sweet potato noodles, oatmeal, masa harina from Bobs Red mill or organic non GMO.

Things to make food delicious.  Be cautious to buy these without any unnatural preservatives:  miso, ponzu, soy sauce, mirin, honey, salt and pepper, balsamic vinegar, rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, grapeseed oil, sesame oil

Snack prep:  dried fruits, unsweetened coconut, cacoa nibs, mejool dates, walnuts, almonds, fresh fruit

I’ll also buy…


spinach, mustard greens, collards, butternut squash, zucchini, roots of any kind, beets, brussles sprouts, onions, carrots, celery, lettuce, radishes

parsley, mint, cilantro, mint sage


fresh:  bananas, persimmons, apples, pears, grapes, pineapple, mandarins, oranges, clementines, lemons, limes, avocados

frozen:  strawberries, blueberries, peaches

If this all feels overwhelming, I understand.  Just get a list of pantry non perishable foods to buy to start.  Figure out a date that will work for you.  And email me if you have any questions.  Also follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram once I get started!



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